Saturday, January 18, 2014

Osphena & Other Pharmaceutical Companies

Just saw a TV commercial for Osphena.  They claim to 'improve vaginal tissue'.  It is Saturday morning right now - so I would expect children will hear this message thousands of times by the time they 'might' need it.  Same way with four hour erections.  The SHIT pharmaceutical companies are brain washing us with is pathetic.  It has got to stop.

If I have an illness or a concern, I will research my symptoms on the internet and/or see a doctor.  All the marketing messages are doing is programming our minds to look for any little problem, and over compensate for it with chemicals.  Pills are not the answer people, wake the puck up!

Diet and exercise are essential for good health.  NOT a fricking pill.  I will concede that in some situations, medicine is necessary.  BUT LET ME FIND THEM - DON'T RAM THEM DOWN MY THROAT WILL ALL THESE STUPID MARKETING MESSAGES.  PUCK OFF!!!

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