Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Home Base Business Opportunities, Infomercials & Telemarketing

Listen closely people, home  base  business opportunities DO NOT WORK!  I REPEAT - THEY DO NOT WORK!!!  I know from many years of experience.  The people selling them make a TON - YOU WILL NOT!  nuff said

Infomercials are scary.  They try way too hard to sell you something.  This means you probably don't need it.  Why do they sit there for thirty minutes and tell you that you need it - cuz u don't!  Even if they give you a second one for free.  Even if they have a money back guarantee (most people never request it or receive it).  Even if they wave shipping and handling charges.  Infomercials are expensive to produce and to air on TV, which tells me/you that they are making a ton of money.  Impulse buys are bad news.

Telemarketing is also expensive, and the telemarketers make great money.  This means the value is negligible at best.  Tell them to add you to the do not call list and hangup.  Always!  DNC then HU!

Trust me on this people...  please...

And if you have aged parents or grand parents, try to monitor their credit cards and bank accounts.  They are more likely to answer the phone, and listen, and buy.  Please protect them.  I have seen seniors get taken for tens of thousands of dollars.  True story.

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