Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Yes this domain is for sale.  It won't come cheap, as only one man can be known as  Will it be Donald Trump?  Tom Cruise?  LeBron James?
Joe Montana?  Wayne Gretzky?  George Clooney?  Jon Bon Jovi?  Tiger Woods?  Usher?
Obama?  David Letterman?  Jay Leno?  Jimmy Fallon?  James Bond?  Homer Simpson?
Ozzy?  Dr. Phil?

It will require 7 digits to buy it.  Actually I could see someone buying it for a million plus, and then
turning around and selling it for 5 or 10 million, once it peaks everyone's interest and desire.

A substantial commission is possible to the person who helps make this happen.

A friend of mine sez it is not worth that much, as it is not generating a lot of traffic.  I say SO!?!?
We are talking about a brand name, a major brand name and self appointed moniker, for someone
with a very huge ego, and an even larger bank account.  So many athletes already have nicknames
like the king or superman, etc.  ONLY ONE CAN BECOME THE MAN THE MYTH THE


My hockey experiences have been much like MLB.  I did NOT like watching hockey on TV at all growing up.

Then one day I moved to Denver, Colorado and I attended my first hockey match.  It was Denver University and Colorado College.  It was AmaZing!  I really enjoyed it in the flesh.

Shortly later the Colorado Avalanche came to town.  So did Patrick Roy.  So did the Stanley Cup.  TWICE!  NICE!

I have also attended the Phoenix Coyotes as well.  I am not a nut, bug I am a phan of Hockey!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Osphena & Other Pharmaceutical Companies

Just saw a TV commercial for Osphena.  They claim to 'improve vaginal tissue'.  It is Saturday morning right now - so I would expect children will hear this message thousands of times by the time they 'might' need it.  Same way with four hour erections.  The SHIT pharmaceutical companies are brain washing us with is pathetic.  It has got to stop.

If I have an illness or a concern, I will research my symptoms on the internet and/or see a doctor.  All the marketing messages are doing is programming our minds to look for any little problem, and over compensate for it with chemicals.  Pills are not the answer people, wake the puck up!

Diet and exercise are essential for good health.  NOT a fricking pill.  I will concede that in some situations, medicine is necessary.  BUT LET ME FIND THEM - DON'T RAM THEM DOWN MY THROAT WILL ALL THESE STUPID MARKETING MESSAGES.  PUCK OFF!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

all i want

i don't need u 2 tell me u like me
i don't need u 2 tell me u love me
all that i hope and pray
is that i might make a difference in YOUR life
that u will listen
and learn
and feel the love that i possess
it can move mountains
and U can change the world!

kajin 2014

Home Base Business Opportunities, Infomercials & Telemarketing

Listen closely people, home  base  business opportunities DO NOT WORK!  I REPEAT - THEY DO NOT WORK!!!  I know from many years of experience.  The people selling them make a TON - YOU WILL NOT!  nuff said

Infomercials are scary.  They try way too hard to sell you something.  This means you probably don't need it.  Why do they sit there for thirty minutes and tell you that you need it - cuz u don't!  Even if they give you a second one for free.  Even if they have a money back guarantee (most people never request it or receive it).  Even if they wave shipping and handling charges.  Infomercials are expensive to produce and to air on TV, which tells me/you that they are making a ton of money.  Impulse buys are bad news.

Telemarketing is also expensive, and the telemarketers make great money.  This means the value is negligible at best.  Tell them to add you to the do not call list and hangup.  Always!  DNC then HU!

Trust me on this people...  please...

And if you have aged parents or grand parents, try to monitor their credit cards and bank accounts.  They are more likely to answer the phone, and listen, and buy.  Please protect them.  I have seen seniors get taken for tens of thousands of dollars.  True story.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Growing up in South Dakota.  Growing up playing a LOT of golf - I did not spend much time
watching baseball.  On TV I thought it was boring.  While in Denver, the Rockies came to
town.  I went to 14 games at Mile High Stadium, they lost 11, most by many points.  I started
to watch their games on TV, and I learned to like an appreciate the game of baseball.

Fast forward to moving to Phoenix in 1997.  The Diamondbacks came to town.  I had the
privilege of going to the Inaugural Game at BOB - Bank One Ballpark.  One of the most
powerful moments of my life I think - especially when a Stealth Bomber did the flyover.
I got the ticket thanks to Terry Beattie - thank you!


To top that off, I had the privilege of going to Game 7 of the World Series vs. the Yankees.
The Diamondbacks won all four home games, including the 7th - and we were World
Champions.  I got to watch the game at Front Row Friday's (in the stadium) thanks to a
friend.  After we won, we were showered from head to toe in champagne.  Soaked!  Later
outside, the police were spraying pepper spray above the crowd, as we were to packed in.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pandora Radio

I am a big, big, big fan of!  It allows me to pretty much put all the music that I like in one place.  Considering that I have thousands of songs that I love, it would cost me a fortune to download them all at $1.29 per song.  My playlist is 'The VERY best of Exponential One!'  Check it out if you like.

I would like to see a few enhancements to it, and I am sure they have already thought about it.
--One scenario is to rate songs, and then play them back according to their score/rating.  There
should also be a choice if I want a 3 star rating system, or 5 star, or 10 star.  If I have a zero to 3
star rating selected, a song with a 0 would never be played, while a 3 star would be played three
times to a one star rating - make sense?  A two star song would be played twice as often as a one
star song.  Etc...  etc...   etc...
--Another option that I would like to see is to categorize the songs.  By artist, album, year, genre, etc.
So at the click of a button, I could just play my 1998 songs.  Or I could play 'romantic' songs.  Or
party songs, Christmas songs, techno, jazz, etc.  I know that I can have more than one radio station,
but I want everything under one roof.  But I want to be able to tweak my playlist for my mood or
for the occasion.
