Friday, June 17, 2011

It's In The Hole! (aka, Hole In Ones!)

This is probably my favorite story of all time. My dad had a hole in one before I was born. Then he had a hole in one the year I was born. Then he had a hole in one on my 13th birthday (he wore the number 13 in basketball, and I love Dan Marino, etc.). Then, and the very best one -- when I was sixteen, he and I were playing Doc Zakahi and Doc Sibling for some cash, and on number eight -- I hit first. As my dad walks to the tee with a seven iron, I say no... hit an eight iron. And he ACES it! Wow! Amazing! (we won the hole, lol) Total = 4 aces, a pretty good poker hand, which he was probably even better at! And I used to play cards at The Four Aces in Denver.

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