Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The 414

414 S Walts Ave that is.  I have so many writing projects in mind.  I never thought I would
delve into the world of horror.  I live in a big old house, built in 1904.  As I look around the
neighborhood, there are many lights, windows, doors - many people I have never met.  What
goes on is beyond me.  Then I got to thinking, what a great set this would make for a horror
film.  Where one home owner takes control of about eight different homes on the block.  They
are all on camera and miked for sound.  Their phone lines and internet are blocked from
communicating with the outside world.  They can not leave their property.  Some are
terrorized.  Some are murdered - you get the picture.  Maybe they figure out how to
communicate somehow with each other - thus gaining their freedom.  This could be fun!  E1
Pettigrew Heights. Homes built over 100 years ago. Go into the history of them and the city of Sioux Falls. You have eight homes, four on each side of the street, on one block. One person owns them all, but under different, highly hidden corporate entities. Let the games begin. Tunnels, cameras, he controls them all and plays the biggest mind games since Saw and Seven. The 414, the movie. E1

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