Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Empire

All dynasties come to an end, eventually.  When will that happen in the US?  Or will the people once again revolt against the idiotic politicians and government, and rewrite the rules?  I hope this happens soon.  I am sad that I will probably miss it.

I don't think it will be a nuclear apocalypse, or biological either.  No one wants that except maybe for a few small minds or terrorists.

We need to bring home our troops.  Get a handle on our budget.  Stop illegal immigration.  Shore up our borders.  Make the lazy people work, who can.  Take care of ONLY the ones who truly can't.  Bring back the middle class.  Slow down the rich from getting richer.  Mentor the poor into being productive.  Stop processing food.  Provide affordable healthcare.  Educate our children (there is not one perfect education system, everyone learns differently).  Zero population growth would be nice.  Stop the idiotic marketing campaigns of the pharmaceutical companies.  Ditch the Republican and Democrat system - who needs labels.  Being a politician should not be a get rich career, like it is now - this is SO pathetic.  Transparency is needed at every level.  Rebuild the infrastructure.  Don't build on coastlines that may one day be under water.  Handle our resources and water supplies.  (stop building in the desert? lol)  Only get involved with other countries if their dictator is committing crimes against humanity.  Stop the idiotic war on drugs.  Set the message to ALL that murder and rape (etc.) will NOT be tolerated.  At all!!!

This list will continue to grow - but we need a new mantra for our great country, to once again make it great!

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