Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I have always wanted to be a writer. I have so many projects in the works. But, being
artistic is like winning the lottery. Chances are slim to be successful. But I will
die trying!
I am a Gleek for sure. Last night i cried when they cleared out the chorus room, as
glee club came to an end. I am a very passionate person. And sensitive. I felt their
pain and loss.
I would like to write a movie called 'Fanfare'. It could be set in today's world, ala
Drum Line'. Or it could be set in the early 70's where a man comes to a small school
in the midwest. There are only eight band members, and he builds it to 80.
Eventually they become a powerhouse in their division at the state level. Later on
they even get recognition at the International level. This could even be delivered as
a TV program.
I lived this.  It would be so easy to write.  Now if Brian Helgeland would just call me. 

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