Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Prayer

dear God, i pray to you today
to help me in every way
to be happy, healthy and wise
i pray the same
for my family and friends
and all of mankind
the list never ends

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Friends & Family

Sprint is advertising Framily, a combination of friends and family.  I am sorry, but did MCI not do a huge promo with Friends and Family about twenty years ago?  I am pretty sure they did, as I worked there.  I know I still have papers and stuff with that motto on them.  What is up with that???  #notoriginal  #exponentialone #telecommunications  #whatisupwiththat

The Greatest City EVER!

Sioux Falls is a great city. Minnehaha is a great county. South Dakota is a great state.
And the United States of America is an amazing country. We all know this to be true.
But time does NOT stand still. With time comes about change. And change can be good. And change
can be bad. We must be prepared for both.
Some say that China has a 100 year plan. Sounds unimaginable doesn't it? Most businesses focus on
the weeks ahead. Some have a twelve month plan, while others might look into the future 3 to 5 years.
We as a city, a community of 160,000 strong must plan deep into the future, so that we do not fail like the
once great city of Detroit.
Detroit currently has over 100,000 empty buildings and homes. A tragedy for sure. Their infrastructure
is so weak, there are talks of bulldozing one fourth of the city. They did not plan. They did not have their
future in mind. They thought that they would grow and grow forever. Well, they failed quite miserably.
We can not let the same thing happen to our great city. We must build a solid infrastructure that will
support our growth, which will surely happen. We have gone from 109,000 people in 1980 to 160,000
citizens in just over 30 years. One day we WILL hit one million people. Yes we will. Will it be in 2050?
Will it be in 2080? Or maybe 2120? Who knows - only time will tell. Will we be prepared? We will be
if we have the proper people in office. If we dare to dream big, and far into the future.
First we must control growth. At some point, people are going to flock to South Dakota because our
economy, food supply, medical coverage and more are so appealing. While growth is good, we must
protect the people who were born here, on South Dakota soil. Those people who have lived here for
decades, generation after generation. Don't think about yourself, think about future generations. Do you
have grand children? One day your grand children will have grand children. What lies ahead for them?
Only you can now, today, start their future by making the right decisions.
Who has ;that vision? I do.  I want my future grand children, and their
grand children to have all the opportunity that I have today in the year 2014. 2124 will be here one day.
And I believe Sioux Falls, I believe South Dakota will be a greater city and state than they are today!
God bless us all.

I wrote this for Greg Jamison, mayoral candidate for the city of Sioux Falls 2014.  Good luck GJ!
the perfect city - somewhere in SD... fully self sustaining, no crime, all amenities, etc...


I have always wanted to be a writer. I have so many projects in the works. But, being
artistic is like winning the lottery. Chances are slim to be successful. But I will
die trying!
I am a Gleek for sure. Last night i cried when they cleared out the chorus room, as
glee club came to an end. I am a very passionate person. And sensitive. I felt their
pain and loss.
I would like to write a movie called 'Fanfare'. It could be set in today's world, ala
Drum Line'. Or it could be set in the early 70's where a man comes to a small school
in the midwest. There are only eight band members, and he builds it to 80.
Eventually they become a powerhouse in their division at the state level. Later on
they even get recognition at the International level. This could even be delivered as
a TV program.
I lived this.  It would be so easy to write.  Now if Brian Helgeland would just call me. 

Friday, March 21, 2014


I laugh when people tell you, me or someone else they should not be codependent.  You should be happy with yourself, and not rely on anyone or anything.  This is kinda true, but if you think you are not codependent, you are kidding yourself.

I believe we all have the need for something.  Whether it is money, food, an addiction, a friend, a lover, a family member, a pet, car, home, insurance - we all DEPEND on many things in life.  So we are ALL codependent, some just more than others.

Aliens Interview Earth

I recently thought of another awesome movie idea.  In this film, intelligent aliens visit the planet.  And they communicate with world leaders.  The aliens assess each nation, pointing out each one's strengths and weaknesses.  They then give each nation instructions on how to improve.  And if they don't improve (eliminate dictators, etc.) they will be punished severely.

The plot of the film is to get ourselves to examine ourselves from the outside.  How we are perceived by aliens, not ourselves.  Because only then can we truly evolve I think.  We must identify our weaknesses, and then come up with an action plan to correct our problems, which are many!

The $100,000 Pullup

Yes I like to dream - we all do.  I have so many plans once i finally hit the lottery!  Here is one.

We shoot a reality show called the one hundred thousand dollar pullup.  In this show I hire a personal trainer and a chef to help me get into shape.  I go from 280 to 200, plus I gain a LOT of muscle tissue.  So much I can finally do a pullup, maybe even more than one, LOL.  Anyways, 100k is spent getting there.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Empire

All dynasties come to an end, eventually.  When will that happen in the US?  Or will the people once again revolt against the idiotic politicians and government, and rewrite the rules?  I hope this happens soon.  I am sad that I will probably miss it.

I don't think it will be a nuclear apocalypse, or biological either.  No one wants that except maybe for a few small minds or terrorists.

We need to bring home our troops.  Get a handle on our budget.  Stop illegal immigration.  Shore up our borders.  Make the lazy people work, who can.  Take care of ONLY the ones who truly can't.  Bring back the middle class.  Slow down the rich from getting richer.  Mentor the poor into being productive.  Stop processing food.  Provide affordable healthcare.  Educate our children (there is not one perfect education system, everyone learns differently).  Zero population growth would be nice.  Stop the idiotic marketing campaigns of the pharmaceutical companies.  Ditch the Republican and Democrat system - who needs labels.  Being a politician should not be a get rich career, like it is now - this is SO pathetic.  Transparency is needed at every level.  Rebuild the infrastructure.  Don't build on coastlines that may one day be under water.  Handle our resources and water supplies.  (stop building in the desert? lol)  Only get involved with other countries if their dictator is committing crimes against humanity.  Stop the idiotic war on drugs.  Set the message to ALL that murder and rape (etc.) will NOT be tolerated.  At all!!!

This list will continue to grow - but we need a new mantra for our great country, to once again make it great!