Friday, April 8, 2016

Spring, 1974 - the first state championship!

Spring, 1974. I was 14. SBHS was all excited as the SD HS Golf Association, or whomever just made the decision to divide the state golf tournament into Class A and Class B. We now had a shot, as there was no way we could compete with the SF, Huron, Brookings, Watertown, etc. schools. 3 players from qualifying schools would compete, with the the two best 36 hole scores determining the state champion. We knew at SBHS that we had a good shot at winning, with two of the best golfers, not only in Class B, but class A -- Curt Byrum and Scotty Hofer were both playing to a scratch handicap. I think mine at 14 was about an 8 or 9. So, it is time to tee it up to see who the SBHS 3 Man Team will be. There are probably about 6 or 7 of us teeing it up at the course in Onida. It was a beautiful day, 35 MPH winds, 35 degrees, and rain. Worst day possible to play golf, I think. After a couple frigid hours, the results were in. Curt shot even par 35, and I amazingly was 2nd with a 37. I believe Scotty shot about a 40, and everyone after that was at 45 or worse. I had played the round of my life. I wanted it BAD! But, I did not get it. The golf coach, who I won't mention here, decides to take our only Senior to the tourney, even though I beat him by over ten strokes in nine holes. Go figure, huh! I won't mention any names here, but as you can tell, I still carry a grudge. He (whom shall not be named) received my gold medal (in my humble opinion). Yes, I did get 3 more, but I wanted four! Coach no name did letter me that year, and that was nice. I had received my brother Mark's letterman coat, as he was off to NSU, and no longer wanted it. So, as a Sophomore I did have a letter man jacket, which was very nice. I guess you could say that was my 4th gold medal. And that is all I have to say about that...

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