Monday, April 11, 2016

E1 - Exponential One - Exponential 1

I just want to make a point here that I am E1, Exponential One, and Exponential 1 -- yesterday, today and tomorrow! I have used these emails and dot coms for many years, and one day I truly hope the brand name is huge! From clothing lines, to blogs, to a way of life, and more! Eventually I will formally trademark it, copy right it, whatever the lawyers tell me to do. But for now, this is my notice to the world to not try to claim it, as you will lose! E1 (SM) Exponential One (SM) Exponential 1 (SM) I also am The Man, The Myth, The Legend (SM) as I have owned (SM) for many years. Thanks for listening! dk

Friday, April 8, 2016

Spring, 1974 - the first state championship!

Spring, 1974. I was 14. SBHS was all excited as the SD HS Golf Association, or whomever just made the decision to divide the state golf tournament into Class A and Class B. We now had a shot, as there was no way we could compete with the SF, Huron, Brookings, Watertown, etc. schools. 3 players from qualifying schools would compete, with the the two best 36 hole scores determining the state champion. We knew at SBHS that we had a good shot at winning, with two of the best golfers, not only in Class B, but class A -- Curt Byrum and Scotty Hofer were both playing to a scratch handicap. I think mine at 14 was about an 8 or 9. So, it is time to tee it up to see who the SBHS 3 Man Team will be. There are probably about 6 or 7 of us teeing it up at the course in Onida. It was a beautiful day, 35 MPH winds, 35 degrees, and rain. Worst day possible to play golf, I think. After a couple frigid hours, the results were in. Curt shot even par 35, and I amazingly was 2nd with a 37. I believe Scotty shot about a 40, and everyone after that was at 45 or worse. I had played the round of my life. I wanted it BAD! But, I did not get it. The golf coach, who I won't mention here, decides to take our only Senior to the tourney, even though I beat him by over ten strokes in nine holes. Go figure, huh! I won't mention any names here, but as you can tell, I still carry a grudge. He (whom shall not be named) received my gold medal (in my humble opinion). Yes, I did get 3 more, but I wanted four! Coach no name did letter me that year, and that was nice. I had received my brother Mark's letterman coat, as he was off to NSU, and no longer wanted it. So, as a Sophomore I did have a letter man jacket, which was very nice. I guess you could say that was my 4th gold medal. And that is all I have to say about that...

Sunday, March 6, 2016

4 4 4 !!!!

Spring 1977. Sully Buttes was preparing to win their fourth straight High School Golf Championship. Watertown, SD. Curt Byrum was not there this time. Possibly the number one golfer in the state left h/s early to prepare down south for college, and eventually professional golf. This was the first year they divided the golf tourney into two different classes, A and B. We were a three man team. Obviously, @Scotty Hofer was our number one guy now. He was also now the best golfer in Class B h/s golf. In Class B Golf, you have a three man team, and the two best scores count. This was it. 4 4 4 was on the line. I remember not liking the Watertown course that much, as the greens were smaller than I was used to, and they were quick. I felt a tremendous amount of pressure on my shoulders, - not to choke. No whammies. No double bogies. No penalties. I went into the tournament with the mentality that I would NOT lose the championship for our school. Conservative. Very. VERY! Scotty finished in first place over Mobridge's John Baum. I was able to finish about fifth I believe with an 82-83=165. I don't think I had a single double bogey. Not my best golf by far, but I did NOT choke. What a relief this was to me, and possibly one of my most proud moments in my life. The previous years I was just along for the ride, with Curt and Scotty at the helm. 4 4 4 baby! We did it!